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Industry: Fintech / Analytics
Amount raised: $42M
NeuroID is a venture-backed SaaS platform providing behavioral analytics to financial institutions to identify malicious bots, bad actors, and fraud rings. Skydog worked with NeuroID to align their Marketing to Sales teams and systems, starting with the commonly frustrating HubSpot-to-Salesforce integration.
NeuroID's Tech Stack
The Scenario
NeuroID has two primary systems: HubSpot (used to track marketing campaigns and activity) and Salesforce (the core sales CRM). They came to Skydog with a knowing issue that these two systems were not aligned, as the out-of-the-box (and often limited) integration between the two platforms had reached its limit and let precious sales opportunities slip through the cracks. To clear gaps emerged: 1) The inability to properly route and round robin marketing leads to NeuroID sales reps, and 2) The inability to link HubSpot marketing campaign activity with sales opportunity data in Salesforce, and accurately track marketing campaign ROI.
The Solution
Skydog has seen time and again the limits of the native Salesforce-HubSpot integration. In response, we've created multiple pre-built configurations and automation to solve common issues, including those experienced by NeuroID.
For lead routing, we utilized our Round Robin automation package, a series of Salesforce Flows that allow for routing of Leads and Contacts based on any criteria a company needs (e.g. company location, industry, size, and more). Skydog customized the automation to suit NeuroID's specific needs, with different rotations for Demo Requests and Content/Webinar downloads along with automatic Slack notifications, a solution that delivered an automated, fair, and timely lead assignment solution.
For campaign attribution, Skydog deployed and customized a package to allow marketing campaigns to sync between HubSpot and Salesforce, a typical limitation because of system architecture differences. The enhanced sync allowed for NeuroID to associate the impact of multiple different marketing campaigns on a single deal in Salesforce, allowing leadership to draw a clear line between marketing spend and revenue captured.
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